
  1、具有清楚地思维、谈吐、写作的能力(The ability to think, speak and write clearly). 2、具有以批评的方式系统地推理的能力(The ability to reason critically and systematically). 3、具有形成概念和解决问题的能力(The ability to conceptualize and solve problems). 4、具有独立思考的能力(The ability to think independently). 5、具有敢于创新及独立工作的能力(The ability to take initiative and work independently). 6、具有与他人合作的能力(The ability to work in cooperation with others and learn collaboratively). 7、具有判断什么意谓着彻底理解某种东西的能力(The ability to judge what is means to understand something thoroughly). 8、具有辨识重要的东西与琐碎的东西、持久的东西与短暂的东西的能力(The ability

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