IvyBoost Team/ August 4, 2017/ 大学与高等教育




 1. 要准时到达,穿着整齐,谈吐礼貌。

2. 要真诚地表达对该校的兴趣,面试要仔细查看学校的资料,了解自己为什么喜欢这个学校。


4. 如果还有什么重要信息你没有写到申请材料中,这是一个好机会可以告诉面试官。)

 5. 面试后 email 面试官,表示感谢,可以再次表示你对该校的兴趣。


面试官一般在面试后的几天会写评估。有的学校要求评估限4,000 字,并为申请人评估(1 – 5)打分。比如:
Outstanding, an exceptional candidate, in the top few % of all applicants.(5分标准:极少数的顶尖学生),

Excellent, a superior candidate in almost every respect, in the top ten % of all applicants.(4分的标准:TOP10%的优秀学生)* Solid, a strong candidate, in the solid core of the applicants.(3分标准)% Below Average, an unimpressive candidate; no special talents or interest emerged during the interview.(2分标准:低于一般水平,面试中没有表现出特殊的才华)

Serious Reservations, a candidate whose personal and/or intellectual qualities cause concern.(1分标准)



Why this School?&Tell me a little about your family?8What are some of your favorite classes? Why?

What is your school like? How do you describe your best friend?Please describe for me a difficult time or event in your life – how did you handle it and what did you learn from it?8 G

What criteria are you using to choose a college? What is on your “wish list” for the perfect college?

What one word best describe the real you?

What is the biggest problem in the USA (or in your school) in your opinion?


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